Just Say Something

Just Start Talking

Just Say Something helps parents do just that. We help remove barriers and excuses that might keep parents from talking with their kids about all things, especially difficult subjects. It compels them to start and maintain important conversations that will lead to healthier choices and stronger bonds. Although conversation may seem insignificant, it is extremely necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle and engage in different thoughts and emotions. Whether it be talking about something that’s troubling you or just having a general chat, communication is key in achieving a better mental state.

Here are a few reasons why conversations are so important:

  • Relieve Stress and Anxiety
  • Express and Understand Emotions
  • Strengthens Relationships
  • Allows Another Prospective on an Issue
  • Provides a Chance to be Given Support

For 35 years our organization has worked hand in hand with youth, parents, and communities to have open, honest, and ongoing conversations.  In this ever-changing world, our team works diligently to provide up-to-date information in our programs and other community outreach.  Our vision is to create thriving communities where all are enlightened and empowered to reach their full potential.

Get comfortable, and focus on just being there. This is a good time to turn off the television. Perhaps go for a walk. Whatever you do, turn off your phone - all the way off.
"Umms" and "ahhs" are a great place to start. Hesitation and sweaty palms are signs of forward progress and impending success. The thing is to just stumble forward.
This is not a time to deliver a perfect, well-planned monologue. In fact, plan on a shaky start by sharing your imperfections, personal experiences, fear and aspirations. Above all else, speak honestly - from the heart.
Stop talking. Allow there to be some silence - and don't interrupt it! When your child does begin to speak, cherish that they are sharing their feelings, views and concerns. Set judgment aside in favor of arriving at a sincere understanding. Feeling stuck? Just ask another question.
Be especially thankful if what you hear is unexpected. A genuine point of view is not always one's liking, but there is no greater gift than to hear feelings shared from the heart. Take the time to state your understanding of the other point of view.
The longer the hug, the stronger the confirmation of unconditional love. Savor that.
You've just had a genuine conversation.

Tough Topics Made Simple, With Ongoing Support

See Our JUUL Presentation
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