Just Say Something

Prevention Resources

Our Prevention Resource Center

The Just Say Something Prevention Resource Center (PRC) is a free-lending library of DVDs, displays, and various other materials that address youth substance prevention and parenting related issues. Materials are provided at no cost to parents, teachers, and others in Greenville County.

To view our Prevention Resource Center DVD Guide, click here. To reserve a dvd, contact Virginia Henderson 467-4099.

For substance and suicide prevention resources online, check out the links below:

* Addiction Recovery During Higher Education, a guide for college students and their parents

* Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, a leading, non-profit, advocacy organization working to reduce tobacco use and its deadly consequences in the US and the world

Child Mind Institute, an independent, national nonprofit dedicated to transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders

Drug Effects on Children at All Stages of Development, a guide from Top Rehab for parents, grandparents, substance prevention organizations, child advocates & caregivers, and other concerned individuals

* Drug Enforcement Administration enforces laws and regulations regarding controlled substances in the United States and also serves as a resource for substance prevention information for parents, educators, and other caregivers

* Faces and Voices of Recovery (FAVOR) Greenville provides individuals affected by substance use disorders with the support they need to achieve & maintain long-term recovery.

* Hazelden, a force of healing and hope for individuals, families, and communities affected by addiction and the leading nonprofit provider of comprehensive inpatient and outpatient treatment for adults and youth

* Help.org provides support for individuals who are dealing with substance abuse and addiction

* Just Think Twice educates youth by giving them the straight facts about the dangers of substance and addiction

* Mental Health America Teenline Crisisline (Greenville, SC) positively impacts mental health through advocacy, awareness, and services specifically for teens and other individuals

* National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week links students with scientists and other experts to counteract the myths about drugs and alcohol that teens get from the internet, social media, TV, movies, music, and friends

* National Alliance on Mental Illness Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Greenville, SC) improves the quality of life and treatment for those who suffer from mental health conditions and their family members through education, support, and advocacy

* National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism generates and disseminate information about the effects of alcohol on health & well-being to improve diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of alcohol-related problems & disorders
* National Institute on Drug Abuse advances science about the causes and consequences of substance use and addiction to improve individual and public health

* Online Therapy, a quick and easy way to find online therapy in your area

* Parents Against Vaping, a national, grassroots organization founded by three New York City moms in response to the youth vaping epidemic

* Partnership to End Addiction provides support and resources for families impacted by addiction, while mobilizing policymakers, researchers, and health care professionals to effectively address addiction on a national scale
* Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reduces the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on communities by providing substance prevention, intervention, and treatment related publications, statistical data, programs, trainings and other resources

* The Cost of Smoking: Benefits of Quitting & Strategies to Become Smoke-Free makes personal finance more approachable and accessible so anyone can be a "geek" when it comes to personal finances, while also providing information on any topics that may adversely affect them

* Truth Initiative, the largest nonprofit public health organization dedicated to a future in which tobacco and nicotine addiction are things of the past and young people reject smoking, vaping, and nicotine

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